Friday, July 25, 2008

Omar's Urdu Dictionary

My pakistani friend Omar is teaching me how to converse in his language, Urdu.

Please note that this is intended for 2 friends talking to eachother. None of this is the respectful form used to speak with your elders.


Hello: Aselamaalikum (ahh-sela-maa-laykum)
Response (hello back): Waalaykumasalaam (waa-lay-kum-uh-sal-aam)
How are you?: Kaysay ho? (kay-say ho)
I'm Fine. how are you?: May teek hoon. Aap kaysay ho?
I'm Fine (response): May teek hoon.
Love: Pyaar (pie-aar)
My love (greeting to a friend): May-ri jaan (ma-ree jahn)
Mother Fu**er: Maadher choath (Mad-her chothe)
I had sex with a girl: Mhuj-hey iss larki ko chodh-naa hai.
Okay: Achaa
Wow!: Waa re waa cha-chay!

Sample Dialogue

Person 1: Aselamaalikum, May-ri jaan. Kaysay ho?
Person 2: Waalaykumasalaam. May teek hoon. Aap Kaysay ho?
Person 1: May teek hoon. Mhuj-hey iss larki ko chodh-naa hai.
Person 2: Achaa. Waa re waa cha-chay!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

An Intro to My Blog

What's up?
I am Sam, but you can call me Giovani.
This blog will be my place to post whatever i feel like. If you do not like it then that is too bad for you.